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Your Valentine's Day Orders Start in Just One Week

Posted by Tomlin & Roberts on

We hope you have recovered from the rush of the holiday season!  From our 18 years experience in the jewelry business, you don't have much more time to catch your breath before Valentine's Day orders start coming in.  Typically, this happens during the last week of January and first week of February for online orders.
Here are some selling tips for you:
1.  Don't discount your items.  Instead, offer quality items, gift wrapping services, and timely production.  
2.  Help the guys out by telling them what to buy and what's popular.  Be very specific and point them directly to the items you are suggesting.
3. Present your items with a Valentine's Day theme.  Customers are specifically searching for this particular holiday, so spruce up your store to make it look attractive.
Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you again for shopping at our store.  
- Sunnie

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